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A Football match

In the morning of May 1st, a football match took place between Shen Hua Team and Guo An Team in the city stadium. When I got there the stand was already packed with spectators.

The match was exciting. A home player got hold of the ball and kicked it miles over the bar. Towards the end of the match, a forward got a chance to give the ball a hard kick and it skidded straight into the back of net over the goalkeeper.

The crowd went wild, laughing, jumping and shouting loudly.

When I was on my way home, my heart was still full of excitement.


A Football match

In the morning of May 1st, a football match took place between Shen Hua Team and Guo An Team in the city stadium. When I got there the stand was already packed with spectators.

The match was exciting. A home player got hold of the ball and kicked it miles over the bar. Towards the end of the match, a forward got a chance to give the ball a hard kick and it skidded straight into the back of net over the goalkeeper.

The crowd went wild, laughing, jumping and shouting loudly.

When I was on my way home, my heart was still full of excitement.



A: What is offside,kerry? B: A player is offside if he receives a forward pass from a teammate in the opponent"s half of the field,with fewer than two opponents between himself and the goal. A: How is a foul committed? B: If a player trips,kicks,strikes,obstructs or holds an opponent ,he"s committed a foul. A: What"s the penalty for it ? B: If it is merely a minor offence,the referee may award a free kick.For an intentional offence,the offender may be shown a yellow card.But if he repeats it intentionally,he may be shown the redcard.Then the player is sent off the field. A: Do you think it a good means to curb violence on the football field? B: Tto some extent,yes. A: When is penalty kick awarded? B: That"s when a serious foul is committed inside the penalty area.Why are you so interested in football today? A: I have got a ticket for the match between Argentina and Poland. A: 克里,什么叫越位? B: 在对方半场,本方队员向前传球时,接球队员与球门之间少于两名队员即为越位。 A: 什么情况构成犯规? B: 如果对方队员采用绊,踢,打,阻挡及拉人等手段即为犯规。 A: 如何处罚呢? B: 如果只是一般犯规,裁判员可判罚任意球。如果是故意犯规,犯规队员可能会被亮黄牌。如果两次有意犯规,可能就会被亮红牌,被罚下场。 A: 你认为这是阻止球场暴力的有效途径以? B: 从某种程度上来说,是的。 A: 什么时候罚点球? B: 在禁区内严重犯规时,就会被判罚点球。你今天怎么对足球这么感兴趣? A: 我弄到了一张阿根廷队对波兰队的票。 0


Argues With Officials - Likes to argue with referees and assistants

Arrives Late In Opposition Area - Likes to make a late run to arrive in opposition area

Curls Ball - When shooting the player likes to attempt to curl the ball around the keeper

Dwells On Ball - Pauses too long with ball before deciding what to do (negative trait as oppose to "Stops Play" which is more positive)
在处理球之前停顿时间过长(和更加积极的“Stops Play”习惯相对,趋向消极)
注:关于这个习惯有些疑问。因为09取消了stops play这个习惯,而这个英文解释来自于FM05,所以不排除09中将dwells on ball 和 stops play 两个习


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