

时间 2024年5月15日 预览 8


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  Spain successfully defended their European Championship crown on Sunday as they saw off Italy 4-0 to pick up a record-breaking third consecutive international title.
  David Silva rounded off a brilliantly incisive move to edge them in front and the buccaneering Jordi Alba added a second before half-time.
  Fernando Torres, four years on from netting the winner against Germany at Euro 2008, stepped off the bench to grab Spain’s third, before putting their fourth on a plate for Chelsea team-mate and fellow substitute Juan Mata.
  It took just 14 minutes for a Spain side that had been accused of being boring heading into the game to break the deadlock.
  Andres Iniesta fed a brilliant pass into Cesc Fabregas and, after wriggling away from Giorgio Chiellini, he cut the ball back onto the head of Silva to nod into an unguarded net.
  Spain were back to their free-flowing best and doubled their lead four minutes before the interval when Xavi was allowed to drift forward and feed the ball into the path of Alba, who made no mistake as he calmly slotted past Gianluigi Buffon.
  Italy were always going to struggle to keep the score down once Thiago Motta was stretchered off and left them with 10 men, and Torres got his hands on the golden boot on 84 minutes when he rolled into the bottom corner.
  He then turned provider four minutes later as he squared for Mata to plant the ball into an empty net and put the seal on a productive night’s work.
  Man of the match: Andres Iniesta. Spain’s match-winner in the 2010 World Cup final was the architect of their success at Euro 2012. His vision posed Italy problems all night, while his boundless energy kept the Azzurri back-peddling. Seems to have the ball on a string at times, with it almost impossible to steal it off his toe. Only right that he has another winners’ medal to his name.


总结了几条足坛有趣的段子,大家看看就好,别太当真 托雷斯和女儿对话的段子 若干年后,托雷斯把女儿抱在怀里,对他说:曾经有一位西班牙球员,他在俱乐部的进球只有几个而已,在国家队都踢不上主力,决赛的最后时刻才上场,却打进一球。但是,他最终同时举起了大耳朵杯和劳德内杯!打了嘲笑他的人狠狠一记耳光! 女儿说:谁有这么好的狗屎运啊? 托雷斯回答:.......是你马塔叔叔! 托雷斯又对女儿说:从前有位球员,只身离开伊比利亚闯荡英超,披上红色的战袍混迹中游,从此一无所获。却在最低谷之时仍跟随斗牛士在板凳上拿遍冠军,击破一切质疑,将酱油与伟大完美统一。 女儿:爸爸真伟大。 托雷斯:闭嘴!这是你雷纳叔叔!! 托雷斯和他女儿对话的段子还有很多,就不一一列举了。 北伦敦四大才子外号的由来 第一位是范佩西(范雄心),这个外号的由来是因为当年范佩西在离开阿森纳时说自己不是因为钱而是自己

有一颗争冠的雄心,所以球迷戏称范雄心。 第二位法布雷加斯(忠义法和倒贴法),忠义法的原因是小法对教授温格无比忠诚,人称“忠肝义胆数小法”,后来法布雷加斯因为为加盟了巴萨不惜自己倒贴转会费,由被球迷称为‘倒贴法’。 第三位纳斯里(纳私利),纳斯里在小法离开阿森纳之后表现出色,成为球队的中场核心,后来纳斯里因为追求高薪离开了阿森纳加盟曼城,惹得球迷不满,所以称纳斯里为“纳私利”。 第四位亚历山大宋(宋功名),当年在阿森纳表现出色的宋为得到更高荣誉,于是离开枪手加盟巴萨,于是人送绰号“宋功名”。 皮克的外号 巴萨的中卫皮克的外号有很多,比如“皮看穿”:某一场的国家德比赛前,皮克说自己能够看场C罗的一切假动作和企图,但到了球场上皮克总是被C罗晃骗开来完成射门,故球迷称之为“皮看穿”。 皮肯鲍尔:皮克在巴萨和板鸭国家队打出世界级中卫的表现,年少成名加之超高的天赋,被认为是贝皇的接班人,故人称“皮肯鲍尔” 。 皮七喜:当年巴萨在欧冠遭遇拜仁7-0完爆,因为皮克是巴萨的后防领袖,所以被戏称为皮七喜。 皮骑拉:皮克的妻子是夏奇拉,然后..... 德罗巴非洲刘德华的由来 德罗巴的外号是魔兽,这个球迷都知道,还有一个外号是非洲刘德华,是因为德罗巴在每场比赛时总是会把发型打理的油光水滑的,还有他的滑跪,所以有“溜得滑”的外号,再加上本人在科特迪瓦非常具有影响力,而且长的帅,跟刘德华一样具有名气和号召力,所以德罗巴得名“非洲刘德华”。 国足的段子 国足12强赛神预测段子 : 第一场虽败犹荣, 第二场主场惜平, 第三场功亏一篑, 第四场生死大战, 第五场理论出线, 第六场遗憾出局, 第七场荣誉之战, 第八场左右大局, 第九场下届练兵, 第十场看到希望..... 国足的投资论 :如果从1990年起,您拿出1000元,每次国足比赛都押买输,如今您将拥有约4


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